Reading crisis is real no matter the measure

Following our recent newsletter, some in the education community have raised concerns about our use of NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) data, suggesting that it overstates the number of students struggling with reading. NAEP has its limitations—it's a national benchmark based on a sample of students, not a state test, and its proficiency standards differ from states' own assessments.
However, regardless of which metric you use, the data consistently shows that too many students are not proficient at reading, and progress remains slow.
Kansas categorizes student proficiency into four levels, with Levels 1 and 2 defined as not proficient in English language arts. The state's ESSA plan (p. 14) reinforces this distinction, emphasizing that proficiency requires more than a basic understanding—it signifies readiness for postsecondary success.
The state's 2024 ELA assessment results indicate that too many students are not proficient readers:
- Only 33.6% of students scored at Levels 3 and 4 (proficient).
- 32.8% of students scored at Level 1, meaning they demonstrated limited ability in English language arts.
- While there has been some improvement, with Levels 3 and 4 rising slightly over the past three years, the pace of progress remains far too slow to reach the state's goal of 75% proficiency by 2032.
Missouri's 2023-24 ELA assessment results highlight similar concerns about early literacy. Like Kansas, the data shows that too many students are not reading proficiently by third and fourth grade, a critical time for literacy development.
- Only 33% of 3rd graders and 35% of 4th graders scored at the Proficient or Advanced levels.
- 29% of students in both grades scored Below Basic, indicating significant struggles with reading skills.
- Most students (66% in 3rd grade, 66% in 4th grade) scored at Basic or Below Basic, meaning they have not demonstrated full proficiency in reading.
Both states have taken meaningful steps in recent years to improve literacy. Policymakers have invested in evidence-based reading instruction, emphasizing the science of reading and providing resources for teacher training and early interventions with SB 438 and SB 681. These are critical steps in the right direction and reflect a broader national effort to address longstanding literacy challenges.
However, if Kansas and Missouri—and the country as a whole—are serious about improving reading outcomes, investment alone isn't enough. Schools, families, and communities must align to ensure every child gets the support they need to become a strong reader. That means continued focus on high-quality instruction, targeted interventions, and a commitment to measuring progress honestly without dismissing inconvenient data.
Aligned's Take: The debate over which test tells the most accurate story misses the bigger point: No matter how you measure it, far too many students are not meeting reading benchmarks, and the pace of improvement is too slow. The focus shouldn't be on debating test metrics—it should be on ensuring every student has the literacy skills they need to succeed. The data makes one thing clear: we cannot afford to wait.