How school bonds can impact classrooms

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Empty classroom under going remodeling

Across Kansas and Missouri, voters are being asked to weigh in on school bond proposals that will shape the future of their local schools. From basic facility upgrades to new construction, these bonds are becoming a common tool for districts to modernize classrooms, address safety concerns, and prepare for future growth. 

Bonding to Address Aging Infrastructure  

In simple terms, bonds are a way for school districts to borrow money for major capital projects, like building renovations or new facilities. These bonds are paid back over time, typically through local property tax revenues — which is why voters are asked to approve them at the ballot box.  

School facility projects are not immune to rising costs of construction projects in general, prompting districts to use long-term bonds to defray these expenses over time.  

The U.S. has a lot of aging school buildings, with the average age at 49 years old and 38% of all school buildings built before 1970. Increasingly, research has linked facility quality with student academic performance

While school districts often bond to incur debt financed by local taxes, some states provide financial assistance to help construct new school buildings. Check out this 50-state comparison from Education Commission of the States for more information on how states do this nationally.  

Mixed Results for Kansas Districts 

Kansas voters have already delivered split decisions on major bond proposals. In Wichita, a $450 million bond—designed to fund safety upgrades, HVAC replacements, and basic infrastructure improvements across the district— is narrowly failing after the latest canvass. The proposed bond would have extended the mill property tax rate voters approved in 2008 until 2045; however, the mill levy will most likely end in four years due to the measure's failure.  

Meanwhile, voters in Kansas City, Kansas took a different path last November, overwhelmingly approving a $180 million bond to fund four major facility projects. The bond will help replace two middle schools (Central and Argentine) and replace both Silver City and Noble Prentis elementary schools with one new school. Sumner Academy of Arts and Science will also add classrooms.  

Upcoming Votes to Watch 

The bond conversation isn’t slowing down. In Kansas City, Missouri, voters will soon decide on a $474 million bond to fund major building upgrades, technology enhancements, and new facilities.  

In Spring Hill, Kansas, a fast-growing district outside the Kansas City metro, voters are considering $60 million bond to build a new middle school, upgrade safety features across the district, and expand early childhood learning spaces.  

Other districts across Sedgwick County, Kansas have asked voters to approve similar bonds in the weeks ahead, including $80 million in Haysville$196 million in Goddard, and $52 million in Mulvane